Are you a frequent traveler who often travels great distances from east to west or west to east wherein you cross several time zones? Then you may be one of the millions of people who suffers from jet lag.

This physiological condition is medically referred to as de-synchronosis and its effects can last for several days until the sufferer has become fully accustomed to the new time zone. When you have jet lag you feel very run down, sleepy and generally ‘out of sorts’. Your mental acuity is decreased to the point where you may struggle to perform even the simplest of tasks. The reason you feel this way because you’re not sleeping well at night because your body’s clock is not in sync to local time.


When you’re suffering from jet lag, your body’s natural pattern becomes thrown off course which can negatively affect your eating, sleeping and the regulation of hormones in your body. It also can affect your body’s temperature variations and mental alertness.

Jet lag doesn’t usually require treatment but if you’re the type of person who is often traveling wherein you’re experiencing by the above mentioned symptoms, you might want to consider trying light therapy. This type of treatment for jet lag involves exposing your eyes to an artificial bright light or lamp that simulates natural sunlight for a specific and regular amount of time during the daytime hours when you’re meant to be awake. Many people who suffer from jet jag have found when trying light therapy it does help them make the necessary adjustments so they can function normally when in a different time zone.

So will light therapy work for you? There’s no way of knowing until you actually try it. You can easily purchase lamps online which are designed to simulate natural sunlight and the good news is that these lamps are quite affordable.


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